What’s Next To Do In Life? Here are next steps

What’s Next To Do In Life? Here are next steps

Thinking About What’s Next To Do In Life?

While turning 50, I would think often about what’s next to do in life for me.

Once the children left home and began their lives, my husband expired from cancer, my parents transitioned to heaven, it was time to start thinking about what’s next in life.

Have you gotten to that point in life where you feel frustrated about what’s next to do in your life? Are you a retiree and you think your life has come to a standstill?

Such feelings do indeed occur, especially when you have gotten to the peak of your life. It’s not always easy for a once working-class woman to retire and sit at home.

But one thing you should realize is that there are still things you can do with your life.

All you need is to know the right steps to take in identifying what’s next to do in life, and you will feel much better.

What's Next To Do In Life-Dr. Geneva Speaks

Below are the steps you need to take to identify what’s next to do in life:

Take time out

Taking some time out and sitting somewhere is the first step you need to take in identifying what’s next to do in life.

When you’ve gotten to that age when one says to you, it’s time to stop working and sit at home; it doesn’t mean your life has come to an end.

Why go on a retreat to stay away from the world?

You can decide to take out time to reconnect with your inner being, spend some time alone and meditate, clear up your mind.

And enjoy the feel of nature. Take some things off your mind and relax, and unwind.

Feel your emotions

Those times when you were busy working and getting exhausted, you had no time for yourself.

Now is the time to release all those bottled up feelings that were hidden inside you.

One very dangerous emotion that comes up is fear and doubt.

Concern for the future and doubts that you may not survive another day.

Such feelings are sure to come up, but your ability to put away those emotions and instead think positively is another step you need to take to know the further step to take in life.

Understand your options

The life they say begins at forty, so even if you’ve gone past fifty, you should have it in mind that your life has just begun.

Look at the brighter side of life, go into a brainstorming session, and try to realize what your dreams and interest are in life.

It is not a time to sulk; it’s time to explore other options and know what is best for you.

What's Next To Do In Life-Dr. Geneva Speaks

Take a good look at your life

Think about the choices that are before you and have it in mind that there are several paths that you can take in life.

But not all of them are realistic, and not all roads lead to success.

At this point in your life, you don’t need to take a hasty decision.

You need to look deep into your life so you can identify that brave step you need to take.

Think about what’s important to you

What do you think is important to you? Is it your family? Your career?

It is only when you have figured out what is important to you that you can know what’s next to do in life.

If as a woman, all you will ever think of is your family, then family comes first before anything.

You can decide to dedicate the remaining days of your life to taking care of your family, and you will get the much-desired peace that you need because this is important to you. 

What’s Next To Do In Life: Make a list

Make a list of some things that you think will make you happy.

Looking for a job at your age may not be an option, but what about starting a business, or working from home, or focusing your mind on taking care of your family.

Make a shortlist and make a choice.

What's Next To Do In Life-Dr. Geneva Speaks

Seek advice from people who have been there before

There are lots of people who have been in your shoes before. People that have overcome the challenges that you are passing through.

Read inspirational messages, read the stories of other people so you can get inspired. You can seek advice from them on how to move ahead in life.

Their information will go a long way to make you feel more relaxed and happy.

Wake up your conscious mind

Somewhere inside of you, there is an unconscious mind that you need to wake up.

Try to know who you are, and what triggers happiness in you.

That way, you can begin to see a new you and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Don’t remain unconscious, wake up, and make yourself happy.

What’s Next To Do In Life: Take action

As you explore your passion and that which triggers happiness in you, then it’s time to take action together with it.

Don’t just make a list of what you can do, decide to take a bold step to do that which will make you happy.

Taking the necessary action means you feel good about what you are about to do or the next big step you are about to take in your life.

Let go of the outcome

At the stage which you are, you don’t need to think about the outcome or results of your thoughts. Instead, think about doing what makes you happy.

If starting a business is what will make you happy, then start a business and don’t let the fear of whether you will succeed or not get the best of you.

Take the first step, and every other thing will fall into place.


Trying to identify what to do next in life is not a time to feel depressed or look down on yourself.

It is the time to reminisce about your experience, all the compromises you’ve made, and how you can put your life in order.

Still confused about what next to do in life?

Use the above steps to identify your purpose in life and the next step to take.

You might be retired, but have it in mind that you are not tired.

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Speaker, Author, Thought-Leader… and I really like this one, vibrant living culture creator; Golden Soror of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Michigan Women’s Commission Appointee. With more than forty years of expertise in business management and personal development, I also have the distinction of receiving the NAWBO Top Businesswoman Award and the Booker T. Washington Legacy Award.

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