The vibrant woman has innate leadership abilities & the potential to solve community problems quickly
There’s a lot to be proud of when it comes to the vibrant woman in leadership – from women who have gone before us, to the young leaders of today.
What I like most about this vibrant woman who is a bonafide leader is her focus on legacy.
If you track and pay attention to female leaders, particularly the vibrant woman, there are always conversations or frequent actions that show the importance of what we’re going to do for the children.
This importance that vibrant women place on what happens to and with children is essential. Due to the issues in our community now, the children need us.
I say this because there are enormous social problems that we face as a community.
We have strong leaders who are willing to try to make a difference, make change at the local level and engage in things that they believe in.
Also, many leaders act on their cares for the community. They give not only with their time but also with their money.
The Vibrant Woman is a Natural Born Leader
Research shows that the two things that a vibrant woman bring to the table when it comes to leadership are nurturing and support.
You hear about that all the time; however, studies also suggests that women have enormous capacity for finding solutions, considering options, and deciding the right path and course of action from these various options.
Research aside, we all know how true this is and that there’s nothing new or unusual about it.
Just think about what women do in the home; you rarely will find a woman who’s got a situation at home meandering about it or thinking about it for months and months.
Instead, a woman in the home will get that baseball uniform for her son come hell or high water.
She’s going to talk to the teacher about missed homework assignments. The vibrant woman will take action and find solutions.
Then there’s the situations that we as black women living in this country have had to deal with (and still deal with to this day) that other women never experience.
Yes, women in general have had to overcome many obstacles for hundreds of years to get to where we are today.
But keep in mind we do not have white privilege – so we have to work twice as hard to reach our goals.
As African American women, we have a history in this country of finding solutions very quickly just to survive.
We have endured physical, mental, and emotional pain that was inflicted on us legally in this country, yet we have overcome it all.
The Vibrant Woman Must Unleash Her Innate Abilities
So that capacity, not only to nurture and support, but to also quickly find solutions and look strategically at a variety of options to move needles forward.
Doing this while enduring racial prejudice and injustices at the same time, is the unique power black women have to create community change.
If you’re a vibrant woman who talks about social issues amongst your friends, or neighbors, or at church, etc., I want to encourage you to stop talking about everything that’s wrong, and step up and take action to help fix it!
You already have the power within you to do so, so stop waiting on someone else to do it.
Accept your God given power!
Once you accept your power, make a commitment to use it by allowing yourself to put petty differences aside and work in harmony with other women.
We all need to come together and use our innate solutions oriented abilities to strategize and find resources that will solve our community problems.
Let’s do this!
About Dr. Geneva
Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect. She is also the reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine.
For information on her new course, “The Vibrant Life Blueprint,” go here.
Speaker, Author, Thought-Leader… and I really like this one, vibrant living culture creator; Golden Soror of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Michigan Women’s Commission Appointee. With more than forty years of expertise in business management and personal development, I also have the distinction of receiving the NAWBO Top Businesswoman Award and the Booker T. Washington Legacy Award.
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- Dr-Geneva
- Dr-Geneva
- Dr-Geneva