A Vibrant Life Architect’s 14 Rules for Vibrant Living

A Vibrant Life Architect’s 14 Rules for Vibrant Living

Time brings about change. Such changes include incredible opportunities that introduce more ways to vibrant living.

I mean, who knew that life after retirement could bring glorious experiences?

Vibrant living feels superb, especially since these are my best days. Everything you go through in life; every experience and encounter only prepares you for greater rewards.

The key to growing and becoming is allowing yourself to just be and fulfill all of the dreams and desires you’ve held on to for years.

Since my retirement, I continue to launch into many entrepreneurial and leadership areas that continue to shape my story.

And as my story develops and forms, I’m able to help other vibrantly seasoned women do the same.

Being a vibrant life architect simply means I show you how to rebuild your life at this moment. I love walking with you and guiding you to a place of reinventing yourself to become a creative self.

I’ve discovered a few rules that’ll transition you to vibrant living. Continue to read on.

A Vibrant Life Architect’s 14 Rules for Vibrant Living

Use creativity in your home life.

Remember that newly-designed kitchen or living room you once talked about with your family and friends? There’s nothing stopping you now from getting either or both. Be creative. Write the visions for them and make it plain. You’ll end up enjoying these new areas longer because of your creativity.

Plan to live in the moment.

Life is short. This isn’t a simple cliche’. You’ve lived for your children and grandchildren. Your environment may now be consist of having empty nesters. You can start a business, stay in bed as long as you want, plan a nice vacation, etc. Do whatever you want anytime you want.

Do not limit remodeling or designing.

Plenty of my girlfriends decided to remodel and design so many areas in their lives. We hold each other accountable. Find yourself an accountability partner. This person will ensure that you “do what you say” and will support every step of the way.

Immerse in the community.

There’s something special and fulfilling about giving back to people. You can find many non-profit organizations in your area to volunteer your time. Seeing smiles on the faces and simply knowing that you’ve helped someone comes with many benefits.

Do what you love now and in the future.

Your life belongs to you. We have lived for our children in many aspects. We did things they loved and put our loves on the back end. But now we can put first things we love to do. Planning future events for things we love will work in our favor, too.

Stay in your happy place.

Whatever you do, please don’t leave your happy place. And if you haven’t found this place, I can assure you it exists. A happy place consists of people and things you enjoy having in your circle. You purposely keep the negatives at bay. There’s a permanent smile that comes and people can feel your happy energy.

Keep the bag secure.

Be sure to keep finances in order for the family. One way to do this is to leave something in a secure place for your children and grandchildren to inherit. Learn ways to invest properly for them to reap the bag you’ve secured.

Bring more value to what you own.

Adding more additions to your home and remodeling it will increase the value of it.

Don’t limit yourself to time.

Take your time exploring things. Don’t give permission to anything to restrict you. Plan accordingly. Talk to friends. Make any new moves for anything when you’re ready.

Get up-to-speed with technology.

This is a big one. Many women 50 and over fear technology like social media, cell phones, computers, and tablets. Make mistakes with these gadgets. Or, ask your grandbabies to show you how to operate them. They just love to help us.

Think long-term and not short term.

Although you may be reaching retirement or be there already, continue to think long term. You’re here for a reason. God’s purpose will still be revealed in your life. He’s not finished working through you to bless others.


Each day we’re introduced to something different. It’s perfectly okay to begin each day with a new mindset and fresh eyes.


Invest in a trainer to avoid any injuries. A trainer helps to push you. And, if you don’t know what you’re doing, they assist, praise, and push you harder. Have a buddy or bestie to talk about your workouts with. Trust me. These conversations are mentally stimulating and will keep this mindset strong.  

Pay close attention to what you eat.

Unwanted changes to the body (internal and external) have no age limit. Usually, as you age, health becomes more of a concern. And, everyone is trying to find the fountain of youth daily. Watch your sugar and carb intakes. Your body needs water, high proteins, veggies, and fruits.  

About Dr. Geneva

Dr. Geneva J. Williams is a Master Leadership Strategist & Vibrant Life Architect.  She is also the reigning Ms. Black Fit and Fine.

For information on her new course, “The Vibrant Life Blueprint,” go here.

Dr. Geneva'a Vibrant Life Blueprint Course

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Speaker, Author, Thought-Leader… and I really like this one, vibrant living culture creator; Golden Soror of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Michigan Women’s Commission Appointee. With more than forty years of expertise in business management and personal development, I also have the distinction of receiving the NAWBO Top Businesswoman Award and the Booker T. Washington Legacy Award.

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